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Full Stack Developer


GBP 45k-60k/year
2 years ago

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We’re looking for a full-stack developer to join our single cross-functional squad and take Pluto’s offering to the next level. There are many kinds of developer — and many kinds of full-stack developer. For this stage in our growth, we’re looking for somebody who will complement our existing team’s strengths and weaknesses. If the below sounds like you and you’re excited by what we do then we look forward to receiving your application!

About Pluto

Our vision is a world where everyone can afford the home of their dreams. In order to get there we are building the technology that allows people to buy homes gradually.

The problem we’re looking to solve is that it has never been more difficult for people to get onto the property ladder — younger generations, who represent the future of our societies, are overwhelmingly affected by this.

Our early customer traction includes some of the largest real estate investors in the world, such as Blackstone.

We’re backed at Pre-Seed level by leading early stage VCs and angel investors with experience in the real estate sector.

What we’re looking for in our next Engineer

  • Like working in small teams. As one of the first employees to join Pluto, you’ll make the most of being agile — you’re someone who prefers to write less code if they can get away with it, not more. You can cut scope, challenge vision, and find ‘first slice’ approaches to problems. You take YAGNI to heart.

  • Love shipping stuff. We ship every day to production, and you should be the sort of person who gets a rush out of that intensity. We’d prefer you to have experience in squads that ship frequently to production**, ideally at significant usage scale.**

  • Experience developing production-scale TypeScript/Node.js applications is a must. Familiarity with Supabase, NextJS and AWS are nice-to-haves. Together, these make up our current tech stack; however, as an early team member, you’d have a decisive say in what comes next — what technologies and practices we pick as we build out our roadmap over the coming years.

  • Great at context switching. As a startup, we do — and need to do — a lot with a small team, and there are lots of things happening that touch our tech. You’ll need to find it fun switching contexts regularly during the mornings and between meetings, and not get too cognitively overloaded by complex, varied information.

  • You like to think ahead, but keep a cool head when things go wrong. We try to proactively avoid firefighting by programming defensively, and we like to think through issues before they might arise. However, in these early stages, it’s unavoidable that we sometimes have to drop everything that we’re doing and club together to fix a bug in the production system. Sometimes, knowing when to context switch is as important as being able to switch into firefighting mode.

  • You pursue technical excellence — and are confident in your skillset — but are still looking to grow. Above all, we’re looking for somebody who shares our deep love of the craft.

  • You should ideally have at least 2-3 years of experience — but we’d like to stress that we’re interested in hearing from anybody who has considered the role seriously and reckons they’d be a good fit. We value intelligence, dedication, and hard-work over years of experience or logos.

We think this is a great opportunity to join as one of the earliest employees in a startup that’s going places. You’d report to and work closely alongside Jack, the team lead 👋🏻😃 — but we envision that you’d view yourself as a peer. From day one we’d hope to have you taking on some current tasks and pushing code to our production systems 🧗🏻‍♀️.

Here’s what you’ll be doing — and how we work

  • We currently run weekly or fortnightly sprints dependant upon the scale of the feature set. We strive to perform meaningful retrospectives following each of these sprints (we’re fans of the sailboat method) — and this will only become more important as the team grows in size. From the get-go, you’d play an active role in defining units of work and helping to prioritise workflow tasks.

  • We approach the workflow/kanban board in a decentralised manner — in line with our overall ethos: at any one time, there’s a set of tasks to work on that can be picked up and worked on by any developer. Moreover, we’ve tried to establish a workflow that enables developers to get to know the full extent of the application, and not limit themselves to a given area of expertise/domain (we don’t want to create silos).

  • We like to learn from one another, and place a strong emphasis on the review/QA process. We encourage our team to “work from the right”, i.e. make a start on any outstanding QA prior to taking on new work. You can expect to spend a lot of your time reviewing the work of other developers.

  • We believe in the value of working in-person together, and like to meet at one of the London WeWorks around three times a week. We do however appreciate that it may not be possible for everyone to do so, so we are open to hybrid roles. As our team grows we anticipate that we’ll have to keep evolving our policy on this 🏝️.

  • You will manage your own time, so can structure around that how you like. We have an unlimited holiday policy. Because we do tend to work quite closely together, it will be beneficial to be available at roughly the same time as everybody else - being an early bird will help (but is by no means essential).

We’re looking for a lot — but we don’t expect the world. We’re well aware that the success of our mission relies on the greater strength of the team in its entirety. We’re certainly not looking for a “lone wolf” 10x developer 🐺💫🌃. As Aaron Knobloch writes, “collaboration with others is what separates the hobbyist from the professional”. If you too find yourself agreeing with this, then it’s likely that you’ll fit right in with the rest of the Pluto team 😄.

Interview Process

📧 Application - please apply and attach your CV

📞 1st Round - 30 minute phone interview to see if you’re a good fit

💻 Case Study - We’ll ask you to complete a case study to see how you think

☕️ Coffee with the team - Meet the team for a coffee to see if you like us

📝 Offer - we aim to get you to an offer as quickly as we can - we respect your time


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Pluto1-10 employees
Pluto is the future of Shared Ownership. We automate staircasing transactions, making them as simple as buying your groceries online.

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