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Type: Permanent contract (35h/w)Company:We are a company of around 20 people that provides a complete range of non destructive equipments to assess the integrity of all kinds of pavements. In simpler terms, we create machines that check if a road is good enough to be used without risks. All machines are designed, assembled, calibrated and maintained in-house to provide the best user experience in every possibles conditions.Description:We currently have a small team of 3 developers at the company. Our CEO who handles the legacy software, a web developer and a low-level developer in apprenticeship.Our web developer is responsible for 2 web applications.The first one, Mapview, is a report generation software for our clients. It takes a data file from one of our machines as input and allows the user to see where the machine was used on a map and view all the data collected by said machine. The user can generate an excel report from that data via a server.We decided to make this tool open-source, you can check our latest code-base here: https://gitlab.com/isaan/mapview-dev/mapview2.The second one, Alfred, is an in-house inventory management application. It allows our employees to view and manage every parts that are used in our machines and order one or multiple parts if needed.Mission:As lead web developer, you'll be expected to take over the development of those two apps, with an on-boarding period of around 6 months with our current web developer.You'll be expected to write new features for the aforementioned applications.Finally, to help you take on the workload, as lead we expect you to slowly create a team of developers from developers and apprentices to temporary freelancers.Stack:- Language: Typescript- Front-end Framework: Vue 3- App type: SPA / PWA- Bundler: Vite- CSS Framework: Tailwind CSS- Hosting: Vercel- Git platform: Gitlab- Brainstorming: Figma- Specific to Mapview: Mapbox GL JS- Specific to Alfred: Supabase (PostgreSQL)Requirements:If you happen to know some or all of them it would be a plus but it is not a requirement to apply for the job. We realize that the web is very vast and we can't expect you to have used the same technologies as we do.We are first and foremost looking for is an engineer who's a native French speaker with at least 2 years of work experience using a front-end Javascript framework. We are looking for someone who is not afraid to express their point of view and who is quite independent. The ability to detect bugs and quickly release fixes when on the job, is crucial for us. A good eye for UI would be appreciated.Perks:- Up to 90% of remote work depending on where you live- Any equipment needed to do your best work, including a computer, external display, office chair can be bought- Liberty to organize your work hours as you wish (apart from meetings)- Local nintendo switch tournaments after lunch breaks- Barbecues in the summerCompensation:- From 45k to 48k per year (based on experience)- Meal vouchers- Yearly bonus (Appr. 1 month salary)- Holiday bonus (10% of a monthly salary before tax)- Compensation for trips to the office


Rincent ND Technologies spécialiste dans la conception, la fabrication et la maintenance d’instruments d'essais non destructifs pour le BTP.

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