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Senior Full-Stack Developer for Short-Term Rental Management


2 years ago

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We are seeking an experienced Full-Stack Engineer to join our product team and help develop cutting-edge technology for our rapidly growing vacation rental management company. Our vision is to provide the attention to detail and personal care of a small, local company backed by an industry-leading technology suite.In this role, you will be responsible for designing, testing, and implementing software using the Django Python framework and React/Next.js JavaScript frameworks. The ideal candidate will have at least 3 years of software development experience with these frameworks and be comfortable working independently in a fast-paced environment. Familiarity with agile development practices (such as Kanban or Scrum), Git, and writing functional QA tests and unit tests is required.Experience with PostgreSQL, Kubernetes, Docker, Celery, and managing CI/CD pipelines is not required, but would be a plus.You will be joining a small team of dedicated back-end and front-end engineers, as well as a Sr. Product Manager, to help deliver on our strategic roadmap. If you are passionate about developing innovative technology, we want to hear from you.Location(s)
  • Latin America
  • South America
Note: This position requires availability for stand-ups and scrum meetings that typically occur between 9:00am and 12:00pm MST on weekdays.


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