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Senior Software Engineer - Astro, Open Source


2 years ago

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The Role:

  • Build software that Astro users love: As an early team member, your voice will be essential in shaping the product and the roadmap, and your decisions will have immediate and far-reaching impact. Move fast, prioritize ruthlessly, and always focus on the end user experience.

  • Grow the team and culture: Help form the defining DNA of the company culture. There is no playbook for building a remote-first company, and but we are always focused and intentional on building good team habits, celebrating wins, and raising each-other up every day.

  • Build in public: Astro is a uniquely community-driven open source project. Participate in RFC calls, run community events, and embed yourself in our amazing communities on GitHub and Discord. Get paid to work on open source software!

  • Define best practices: Build out the systems, frameworks and habits that will serve as guide rails for the entire engineering team as we grow.


  • Get paid to work on open source software used by thousands of developers!

  • Interact with and learn from our community of 4000+ developers on Discord.

  • Lead the development of new Astro features, from early design to final implementation.

  • Improve testing, automation and CI/CD processes and patterns.

  • Help shape the Astro roadmap.


  • 2+ years of experience working in software development

  • Proficiency with JavaScript or TypeScript

  • Experience writing JS for outside of the browser (server-side, CLI tools, libraries, etc).

  • Familiarity with Git and GitHub workflows (commits, issues, pull requests, etc.).

  • Not bound to a particular tech stack and can learn new technologies on-the-go.

  • Bonus: Experience with a formal software design process (RFCs, design docs, etc.).

  • Bonus: Experience in open source, like contributing to a project that wasn’t your own.

  • Bonus: Experience with any of the following technologies: TypeScript, compilers, bundlers, build tools.


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Pull content from anywhere and serve it fast with Astro's next-gen island architecture. Astro is the web framework that you'll enjoy using.

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