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Senior TypeScript Developer


2 years ago

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Hi, we are Enso (enso.org, Y Combinator S21) and we are hiring! We are looking for a talented TypeScript/React developer to join our cloud team. As a remote first company you could be working with us from Europe or North America. We need someone to help us to design, estimate and develop our frontend part of the Cloud product.

What is Enso?

From the business perspective, Enso is a no-code interactive data transformation tool. It lets you load, blend, and analyze your data, and then automate the whole process, simply by connecting visual components together. It can be used for both in-memory data processing, as well as SQL analytics and transformations on modern data stack (ELT). Enso has the potential to disrupt the data analytics industry over the next five years. Currently, the market operates using old-fashioned, limited, and non-extensible software which has been unable to keep up with businesses as they transition to the cloud.

From a technical perspective, Enso is a purely functional, programming language with a double visual and textual syntax representation and a polyglot evaluation model. It means that you can mix other languages with Enso (Java, JavaScript, Python, R) without wrappers and with close-to-zero performance overhead.

Who are we looking for?

Enso would be a great place for you if:

  • You're an expert in TypeScript and React.js.

  • You’re any race, color, religion, gender, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, age.

  • You like to laugh.

  • You want to work hard, have fun doing it, and own projects from end-to-end.

  • You are friendly and like to collaborate.

  • You move fast and ask for help when needed.

  • You value being part of a team and a community.

  • You can set your ego aside because you know that good ideas can come from anywhere.

  • You enjoy working in public, putting yourself out there and showing your learning.

  • You appreciate a competitive salary.


As a senior TypeScript developer you'll be in charge of the creation of the new front-end for the Enso Cloud. This will involve:

  • Working closely with stakeholders and customers to design an interface that is both intuitive and fluid to work with.

  • Implementing these solutions using modern front-end web-development technologies in a cross-platform manner to create an application that can run both in the browser and in electron.

  • Managing and working around cross-browser compatibility issues.

  • Contributing to the testing and integration of the user interface, from both functional and UI standpoints.


We have a few particular skills that we're looking for in this role:

  • A strong focus on both user experience and aesthetics. Previous experience with designing UX is a plus.

  • Strong practical experience implementing large-scale, user-facing applications in TypeScript.

  • A strong understanding, based on practical experience, of modern front-end frameworks, with a focus on React and NextJs.

  • An understanding of cross-browser compatibility issues, and experience working around such problems.

  • Familiarity with front-end build tools such as Webpack.

  • Experience with testing tools, both for integration and for front-end (e.g. Selenium).

It would be a big bonus if you had:

  • Experience with frameworks like Tailwind CSS and Next.js.

  • Any experience with Rust language or willingness of picking it up.

Avoid the confidence gap. You don't have to match all of the skills above to apply!


  • Some of your past work or projects.

  • Why you'd like to work on Enso, and where you imagine Enso being in 5 years.

  • The most important features of a team that you'd like to work in.

  • Whether you take pride in your ability to communicate clearly and efficiently with your team.

Why you should join Enso

Enso (https://enso.org) is a no-code interactive ETL and data analysis tool. It lets you load, blend, analyze your data, and then automate the whole process, simply by connecting visual components together. At Enso, we have a world-class team, with developers, community managers, and business developers from all walks of life and backgrounds.


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Enso11-50 employees
Turning your data into knowledge is slow and error-prone. You can’t trust tools that don’t embrace best practices and provide quality assurance.

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